DnD Temphere and Thrrasir Wiki

The cube is a pre-Cataclymsic magical artifact from Thrrasir. It is a small silver cube sought after by many factions of Thrrasir - and potentially has the power to cause another Cataclysm.


  • The cube seals the Diadem of Onkiichir (scalefolk for "winter's blessing"), an extremely powerful artifact that could cause a second Cataclysm, presumably by ice.
  • Responds to holy magic; Reed was able to partially open it during a magical exhibition.
  • The cube makes a strange whispering noise that only scalefolk (including Doryen and Dean Karif) seem to be able to hear. Tandy speculates that the cube may have scalefolk souls inside of it.
    • The one who originally gave the grung the cube - presumably the Champion? - warned that dragons or scalefolk near the cube could be corrupted and bring a second Cataclysm.
    • May be related to a silver dragon who was - possibly - causing a freeze, ice zombies, and commanding a cult of scalefolk


A small silver artifact in the shape its name implies.


  • The cube has been dated to the Pre-Cataclysm by Alu Lyth University.
  • The Champion entrusted the cube to Cyril's ancestor, though Cyril's inherited memory of it is fuzzy
  • The cube was stolen from Auntie and the sea elves care by merfolk and taken to the city. Auntie turned some of the merfolk into meerow, and sent the sea elves (in the form of grung) to attempt to retrieve it. According to Karif and Raelin, the cube was retrieved from an ancient sea elf city by a team of archaeologists. The expedition was complicated by traps left around the city that didn't match the city's age or technology.
  • Reed used the cube at the magical exhibition, partially opening it and summoning a number of dangerous sea oozes.
  • Jingle, Puca, and the party recovered the cube, and kept it hidden in Camden Olivier's home in the Rolling Green, in a hidden room and protected by a spell circle.
  • The cube was stolen from Camden's home by the Peacemakers; the Peacemakers used a horde of flaming skulls to cause a distraction to slip out of the city with the cube. A note found at their hideout says a "C.T." is ready to receive it. C.T. may be a member of or associated with the Brotherhood for the Restoration of the First Peoples.



